Our Blog
"Learn to release the inner pressure of unprocessed emotions."
Emotional processing is like basic hygiene... Are you emotionally clean?
"Process emotions to avoid emotional baggage!"
"Avoiding emotions shifts them to your subconscious."
"Try feeling a mild emotion. We must briefly experience it for the emotion to be released!"
"Experience the pure feeling of an emotion. Just observe it."
"Experiencing an emotion starts its automatic release."
"Buried emotions will resurface! Release them by feeling them."
"Start processing mild emotions. Build your confidence & courage!"
"Dwelling on the storyline only hinders release of the emotion."
"Don't dwell on what went wrong. Don’t get trapped in the story!"
"Successfully processed emotions won’t resurface or cause damage"
"Labelling your emotions will help to find & release them!"
"Accurately labelling an emotion makes it easier to locate again."
"By facing our emotions, we gain wisdom & courage."
"Re-experiencing an emotion helps target it for processing."
"Fully processing an emotion rewires the neural pathway"
"If we delay experiencing an emotion, it becomes suppressed."
"Emotions that we have refused to face become deeply repressed."
"Negative emotions have a low vibration. Don’t let them drag you down."
"Low vibration emotions are toxic. Do not let this toxicity build up!"
"Process your emotions promptly. Do not suppress or repress them!"
"Our emotional baggage will spill into daily life. That is a life crisis!"
"Get to the core issue. It’s like peeling off layers of an onion!"